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Graduate Research &
Teaching Assistant

Duration: September 2018 to August 2020 

Job type: Part-time

Courses taught:   

AHS 107: Sociology of Activity

PLAN 305: Research Methods for Planners

HLTH 661: Geographic Information Systems and Public Health

Responsibilities fulfilled:  

a) Providing weekly 3 hours long lectures (2 classes, 1.5 hours each) for the AHS 107 course. Checking mid-term and final-term essays.

b) Supervising weekly 2 hours long lab classes (2 classes, 1 hour each) for the PLAN 305 course.

d) Assisting the instructor in developing the PLAN 305 syllabus. Checking lab quizzes, final examination copies, and the final group presentations (applying GIS for solving a planning-related problem) for the course.  Assisting the instructor to transform an entire in-person course into an online course during the COVID-19 pandemic.

e) Supporting graduate students (MSc and PhD) for the graduate-level course HLTH 661 for spatial analysis and completing group projects on applying GIS to solve a public health problem.

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