Debating Profile
Winner of 11 National Titles (6 national championships and 5 runners-up) as a debater
Team Leader (DU- Bangladesh) in 5 international debating tournaments
Deputy Chief Adjudicator in 4 national debating tournaments

Championship titles:
1. National Debate Federation Debate Championship, 2010
2. 6th BDC Pre-Worlds School Debate Championship, 2009
3. Josephite Debating Club Inter School Debate, 2009
4. Stamford Debate Federation National Debate Championship, 2009
5. Josephite Debating Club Mixed-Up Debate, 2008
6. United Commercial Bank - Notre Dame Debating Club Championship, 2008
Runners-up titles:
1. North South University Intervarsity Debate Championship, 2013
2. North South University Debate Fest, 2010
3. 5th BDC Pre-Worlds School Debate Championship, 2008
4. Notre Dame Debating Championship, 2007
5. Independent University Bangladesh Inter-School Championship, 2006
Other notable achievements as a debater:
1. Semifinalist: World Universities Peace Invitational Debate (WUPID), Bangladesh, 2013
2. Quarterfinalist: 2nd OIC Intervarsity Debating Championship, Malaysia 2012
3. Top 10 speaker:
NSU Intervarsity Debating Championship, 2013
IUT Intervarsity Debating Championship, 2012
LCLS Debate Championship, 2012
4. Team Leader (DU- Bangladesh):
University of Cambridge Debating Championship, UK, 2014
University of Oxford Debating Championship, UK, 2014
University of Cambridge Debating Championship, UK, 2013
Singapore Management University Championship, Singapore, 2012
2nd OIC Intervarsity Debating Championship, Malaysia, 2012
Achievements as an adjudicator:
1. Deputy Chief Adjudicator- National Environment Intervarsity Debating Championship, 2014
2. Deputy Chief Adjudicator- 10th BDC Pre-Worlds Schools Debating Championship, 2013
3. Deputy Chief Adjudicator- 8th Viqarunnisa School Debating Fest 2013
4. Deputy Chief Adjudicator- Green Herald Debating Championship, 2011
5. Adjudicator of the semi-final: Nalsar IV, Hyderabad, India, 2012
6. Grand Finale adjudicator: Aga Khan Inter-School Debating Fest 2011
7. Team selection committee member of the World Schools Debate Championship (WSDC), Thailand, 2014